2024 County Committee Proposals

The following are the proposals that we anticipate will be voted on at the upcoming County Committee meeting on Thursday, September 26. One proposal (to change “Chairman” to “Chairperson” in all party rules) and two resolutions were sent out with the County Committee notice — one in support of Kamala Harris for President and one supporting NY Proposition 1, Equal rights for New Yorkers.

The following are the additional proposals that Rep Your Block is aware were submitted by Assembly District Committee Chairs, County Committee Members, and District Leaders, along with the two resolutions sent with the meeting notice. 

Proxy Reform and Enhancing the Rules Committee
Movant: Janice Henderson, ADC Chair in Assembly District 57

When a few leaders hold hundreds of proxy votes and can outvote everyone who attends a meeting, it prevents county committee members from having any say in how our party operates.This proposal would limit the number of proxies any person can hold, and would give members more opportunities to propose changes to the rules that govern our party. Read the full text.

Proposed changes:

  • A County Committee Member can only hold up to 10 proxies, or votes on behalf of other members, as opposed to an unlimited number.
  • Members who suggest rule changes can present their case to the Rules Committee.
  • The Rules Committee will meet earlier, before the Organizational Meeting, and must report any decisions on rule interpretations within 30 days.

Restoring the Rights and Meetings of County Committee Members
Movant: Renée Cafiero, County Committee Member for over 50 years

The County Committee used to meet twice per year, but now we only have one meeting every two years, plus an informational meeting in odd-numbered years where no voting or party business takes place. This proposal would bring us back to two meetings per year, with full participation by members at each of these. Read the full text.

Proposed changes:

  • The minimum number of County Committee meetings should be two yearly: one in May and one in either January or September.
  • Members should be allowed to suggest and discuss resolutions about how the Committee is run.

Establishing Fair and Inclusive Standards for Quorum
Movant: Chris Tan, AD51 County Committee Member

When county committee meetings drag on for more than 10 hours, as happened in 2020 and 2022, members leave and the party continues to make decisions without a quorum present. This proposal would require our party to maintain quorum and discourage meetings that drag out over multiple days,  preventing decisions from being made by a small or unrepresentative group. Read the full text.

Proposed changes:

  • A quorum (the minimum number of members needed for a valid meeting) must be present for any decisions other than adjourning.
  • Members who are represented by proxy do not count toward the quorum.
  • The quorum should include at least ten members from a majority of Assembly District Groups, with 450 members present.

Incorporating the Judicial Screening Committee into the Rules
Movant: Mark Hanna, AD64 District Leader

Our party’s Judicial Screening Committee operates in secret, by rules hidden from the public view. This change increases transparency and accountability in the judicial nomination process, promoting diversity and fairness and attempting to limit bias or favoritism in our judicial selection process. Read the full text.

Proposed changes:

  • The Chair of the Judicial Screening Committee will be elected by the County Committee every two years.
  • The Committee’s rules will detail how members are selected.
  • These rules must be part of the Party’s official rules, reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee every year, and posted on the Party’s website.
  • The Chair will present an annual report on the diversity of the Committee members.

Democracy and Transparency in the Administration of County Committee Business
Movant: Angela Kravtchenko, AD46 District Leader

Our party should not be afraid of letting members participate. Party leaders have previously appointed people to County Committee seats without their knowledge or consent. They have scheduled meetings at noon on weekdays, and in locations inaccessible by mass transit, discouraging participation. This proposal strengthens transparency and access, ensuring elected members of the party can fulfill their role and participate in party decisions. Read the full text.

Proposed changes:

  • Written consent is needed to fill vacancies.
  • Meetings must provide enough notice and include an agenda, with email being the primary communication method.
  • A second meeting should be planned if the first meeting doesn’t finish all the business.
  • Meetings should be held in accessible locations across North, Central, and South Brooklyn, and should be scheduled in the evening or on weekends.
  • The Executive Committee must approve any official communications from the party.
  • The Executive Committee should review the voting process before meetings and share a record of any electronic votes right after.